Disaster and Safety Planning

Planning for Disasters: Ensuring the Safety of Your Pets by Carla McClellan

As responsible pet owners, it is essential to have a well-thought-out disaster plan that includes provisions for the safety and well-being of our beloved furry companions. Being prepared can make all the difference in ensuring our pets' welfare during these challenging times. 

Understand the Risks

Living in Florida, we are subject to hurricanes and are in hurricane season six months of each year. Identify evacuation routes, emergency shelters, and any specific pet-friendly facilities available in your community.

Create a Pet Emergency Kit

Prepare a pet emergency kit well in advance, ensuring you have all the necessary supplies readily available. Include essentials like food, water, medications, and copies of veterinary records. Pack extra leashes, collars, ID tags, and sturdy carriers for each pet. Keep recent photographs of your pets in case they get lost. Don't forget to include comfort items like blankets and toys to help reduce stress during chaotic times.

Microchip and ID Tags

Ensure that your pets are microchipped and that their information is up to date. Attach visible ID tags with your contact information to their collars. These measures significantly increase the chances of being reunited with your pet in case they become separated from you during a disaster. 

Arrange Safe Shelter

During an emergency evacuation, many public shelters may not accept pets. Research and identify pet-friendly accommodations in advance, such as hotels, boarding facilities, or friends and family who are willing to provide temporary shelter. 

Establish a Buddy System

Reach out to neighbors, friends, or fellow pet owners in your community to form a buddy system. This network can provide support during emergencies, assisting each other with pet care, evacuation, or transportation. Having trusted individuals to rely on can alleviate stress and ensure the safety of your pets when time is of the essence.

Planning for disasters is crucial. Regularly review and update your disaster plan as circumstances change. Remember, our pets depend on us for their welfare, and being prepared can make all the difference when it comes to their survival and comfort in the face of adversity.

Carla McClellan, BSW, MPH, CPPS is the owner of Tallahassee Lassie Pet Care, a Tallahassee native, and pet mom to two pugs and a cat.


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