Separation Anxiety in Pets

Separation Anxiety

Are you getting ready to return to work? Travelling again?

Be prepared that your furry companion at home may not approve (okay, so the cats might, but even some cats want their parents!) This is a natural occurrence after you have been home for hours on end with your pet. 

Here are a few ways you may off-set some of the separation anxiety. 

Start now! 

If you know you are returning to work in X number of days, begin easing your pet into your absence. This may look like leaving for 10 minutes at a time, or an hour at a time, depending on your pet’s needs. It’s best to leave them a piece of clothing with your scent on it, preferably on their favorite bed or in their crate if they are kennel trained. If your pet uses a crate, begin with the window or door open and ease back into their normal crate training routine.

If you’ve already returned to work and are noticing problems, consider having a pet sitter or a familiar friend check in on them every so often. Some pets need to see a human every couple of hours as they are getting back into a routine. 

Regardless of if you start preparing before your return to work, or the day you return to work, these are some helpful guides to help the time pass for your pet:

  • Music! 

Some pet parents prefer music or TV. If you have an Alexa, you can say “Alexa, play classical music,” and this may help calm your pet.

  • Routine! 

Spend extra time with your pet(s) in the mornings, or hire a dog walker or cat sitter if you’re unable, so your pet will be more tired and easier to calm. 

  • Stimulation! 

Does your pet have a favorite toy to play with? Make sure they have it accessible to them! (Make sure it is not a bone or anything where supervision is required)

  • Call your village! 

Consider a pet sitting service for more advanced cases of anxiety, or for easing your pet into a new routine. This would involve having a regular friend come over anywhere from 3-5 days a week, depending on your needs. For more information, click here: 

  • For most extreme cases: (if the pet is destructive or harming themselves) You may need to seek your veterinarian's opinion on medication, as well as CBD/homeopathic options for relaxation. As always, consult your veterinarian prior to medicating your pet. 


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